Jeremy is the only management software developed for translators by translators!
Why use it?
- It is designend to address the specific needs of translators.
- It is easy to use, it is straightforward and it provides useful statistics.
- It works with a build-in database, so no additional software is needed.
Why this application and its name?
I have worked as a translator since 1991.
To manage my business, I'have tried several possibilities, from simple Excel sheets to generic economic softwares.
I couldn’t find a tool that was entirely satisfacory.
That's why I decided to developp a special management software for translators.
Jeremy is the result of three years of work in close collaboration with my collegues (who provided valuable contributions).
Jeremy is an open project: we can offer you a full version and its upgrades for free for translating its interface to your mother tongue.
The reason is very simple: Jeremy is considered as the patron of translators.